Brinker Stinker: A Reminder of What Susan G. Komen is Not About . . .

Powerful and very well said.


This blogging thing can sometimes feel like a burden. It seems that I never know how to begin or finish a post anymore. I want to write, probably need to write, and most definitely I feel a responsibility to write. Especially when it has been the kind of week this past week has been in the breast cancer community.

In the past week, two of my friends have had cancer return and a third friend, who has been living with metastatic breast cancer for some time, is now dealing with very severe health problems due to her treatment (to put it mildly, she is in a great deal of pain). This is part of the world of breast cancer. It is not the pink bowed version of things that the Susan G. Komen Foundation sells (mammograms and early detection equal a cure, etc.). Well, clearly mammograms and early detection do…

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5 Responses to Brinker Stinker: A Reminder of What Susan G. Komen is Not About . . .

  1. Reblogged this on chemobrainandmore and commented:
    This is unreal and heartless.!

  2. WOW!!! This is beyond sickening! These Ceo’s take the money and run! Thank you for the awareness on this! As a survivor I would love to talk to her face to face and let her know that possible some of that so called raise she gave herself, could have found a cure for my cancer. I’d love to hear her response!

    • Scorchy says:

      She’d give you a coupon for a free mammogram for the cure (TM)!!

      Komen tried to do damage control and said that this was all pre-approved long before the PP decisions. Okay, but I don’t see her turning it down either. It’s like she’s making a living off her dead sister. And I’m sure she doesn’t see it that way, but still.

  3. randiek says:

    Thanks Scorchy for always sending great Blogs including yours!!! Have a great day! ~Randie

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